• Geek,  Mobile Legends

    Mobile Legends: Alpha Build Guide Jungle Fighter

    Alpha is a versatile fighter hero in Mobile Legends who can excel in the jungle role. With the right build and strategy, Alpha can dominate the game and carry his team to victory. In this guide, we will discuss an effective build for Alpha as a jungle hero, focusing on maximizing his damage output and survivability. Emblem Build: Core Items: Playstyle and Tips: The suggested build and playstyle, you can maximize Alpha’s potential as a jungle hero in Mobile Legends. Remember to adapt your itemization and strategy based on the game’s progress and the enemy team composition. Mastering Alpha’s mechanics and making informed decisions will greatly contribute to your success…

  • Geek,  Windows

    Let’s Play Offline Game – O2jam

    Are you a ’90s kid? If so, you must be familiar with the famous keyboard game that we used to play before the advent of o2jam. For those who are unfamiliar, o2jam is an online rhythm game that gained immense popularity during that era. If you were a fan of this game, chances are you’ve been missing it since it stopped being available to play online. But fear not, as I’m here to share some exciting news with you. There is now an offline o2jam emulator that allows you to play the game on your own computer without the need for an internet connection. This standalone version eliminates the hassle…